Safeguarding Team

If you have any concerns about a child with a regard to Safeguarding or Child Protection issues you should contact one of our Safeguarding Team via email or telephone, 01372 272082.

Contact Details 
Mrs Lou Allum 

Designated Safeguarding Lead and Online Safety Lead

Vice Principal & SENCO

Mrs Sarah Wells 


Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Online Safety Lead



Mrs Sam Legg

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Online Safety Lead

Year 3 Class Teacher




Ms Whitney Jones

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead





The Academy Committee Member With Responsibility For Safeguarding And Child Protection Is:

Name Role
Mr Peter Cordingley Academy Committee Member


For safeguarding concerns regarding the Principal:

Name Role Email Address
Mr Dean Clark Chair of Academy Committee


Who To Contact:

CSPA (Children's Single Point of Access)

Telephone: 0300 470 9100

Surrey County Council - Children's Services


Out of hours (hosted by the Emergency Duty Team):

Telephone: 01483 517898