Any child may need additional help at some point in their schooling. This may be because of physical, learning or behavioural issues and may be long or short term. We strive to provide inclusive support for all children to allow full access to all areas of the curriculum.

To help achieve this we have an appointed SEND Coordinator (SENDCo), ELSA, and SEND teaching assistants working throughout the school, who teach and support children with special educational needs and disabilities.

You have any questions or concerns relating to your child, then please do not hesitate to email our SENCo, Mrs Allum,

Further information on our SEND offering can be found in our information report and school SEND policy below. Information on Surrey's SEND provision can be found on their website here. Information about children with disabilities can be found within our Accessibility Plan and SEND Policy, both of which can be found below.

Surrey Local Offer is the online support hub for children aged 0 -25 with Special Educational Needs or a Disability.

Accessibility Plan

SEND Information Report

Trust SEND Policy 2024

LEO SEND Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement