Online-Safety Information for Parents

The teaching of Internet Safety is an integral part of the curriculum at West Ashtead Primary Academy. This page provides links to useful resources for parents interested in finding out more about Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship.

If you or your child has any concerns regarding something you have seen or heard on the Internet please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Ruth Hall. 

DSL: Mrs Louise Allum

Telephone: 01372 272082


You may also wish to contact CEOP. This is the National Crime Agency centre for Child Protection and Online Protection Command

Advice for parents: 

Top Tips for Cyber Security

Here is a link to Safer Schools - how children can protect themselves online.

It contains advice for parents to discuss with children.


National Online Safety

Wake Up Wednesday

Campaign and help keep children safe online. Each week we share a free platform guide for schools to share with parents.

Latest news | National Online Safety


Online Safety advice for parents and children to discuss together: 


Online Sexual Harm Reduction Guide for Parents

The Marie Collins Foundation and NWG Network have published two guides aimed at reducing online harm for children and young people. The Online Sexual Harm Reduction Guide is aimed at professionals and includes information about: why young people don't always speak out and responding to online harm. The guide aimed at parents, How Can I Help My Child?, includes information on: what online harm is; how to respond; and getting help from others.



The following articles offer guidance on how to ensure your child stays safe whilst gaming online: 


Social Media Platform Information:

Please note that all these platforms have an age restriction and are not suitable for primary school age children. 

Thinkuknow - Guide to social media and rules of various Social Media Platforms 


FORTNITE - what you need to know

Fortnite was launched in the summer of 2017, quickly becoming a huge success among children and young people.   Fortnite has a PEGI rating of 12. But as with many games of this shooting type, a number of children younger than 12 play, so it’s important that parents are aware of the safety concerns that have been raised, and how to help their children play safely.

Please see the information issued by Safer Schools here.


Access more information here:

CEOP Education

CEOP Report - Safety Centre

NSPCC Donation


View our online safety policy here.